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Listing WordPress Plugin Filters

In this article, we are going to explain the listing WordPress plugins filters that Listdom Lite(free listing WordPress plugin)and Listdom Pro provide you.

Listdom provide filters by categories, tags, features, labels, locations, and authors. So whenever you are creating a page you can specify which listings should show in the page according to these filters.

Now we want to explain each filter and the usage of that:

– Categories: this is the main filter, you can define categories and add listings to that. For example hotels and banks.
– Tags: tags are the same as keywords in your listing website and they are necessary. For example easy access, cache, and business.
– Features: this is a great tool to show what features your listing has. For example bodybuilding and free breakfast.
– Labels: this is a great feature that you can make some listing highlights. For example featured and vip.
– Location: this is a great tool to define filters based on location. For example, districts, cities, and countries.
– Authors: if you want to define filters based on the users that added the listings it is possible in Listdom as well. For example show listings of a vip user in a page.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us, or open a ticket in our support platform, or use our live chat which is available in all pages.

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