What Is ACF?
The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin is a powerful and flexible WordPress plugin that allows developers and website owners to easily add custom fields to their WordPress sites. Custom fields are a way to store additional information about your listings beyond the default content fields provided by Listdom. To use the power of ACF in your directory website, you need to install the Listdom ACF addon.
How To Assign New Fields To Listings
Install and activate the Listdom ACF Addon on your site. You don’t need to do any more configurations. Listdom will do the rest of it. Just navigate to the ACF plugin menu in your WordPress dashboard. Create a Field Group in this plugin with your desired field types. Note: The name of the Field Group will be displayed on the listing page unless it’s deactivated in the Details Page Settings.
After you create the fields, head over to the Settings → Location Rules. Add a new Rule and set the Post Type to be equal to Listing to show this Field Group on the Add / Edit Listing pages. Even without the Listdom ACF add-on, the ACF fields can be added to the Add/Edit listing page but won’t be displayed on the frontend.
You can create several field groups. Each one will be added as a new section to the Add / Edit Listing form on the WordPress dashboard. On the Frontend Dashboard, the field groups will be displayed combined but finally on the listing details page, they will be displayed separately.
The entered data to these fields will be shown on the listing detail page.
Listings Import/Export
The fields added by Listdom ACF add-on are completely compatible with Listdom import/export options. The JSON file includes these fields. Also, the CSV or Excel features contain the fields added by the ACF add-on. Learn more about Listdom CSV add-on and Excel add-on.
Manage the ACF add-on fields’ visibility
You can manage the visibility of the ACF add-on fields on the listing pages at different levels.
Disable it for all of the listings
To disable it, go to Listdom → Settings → Details Page, and under the Elements section find the ACF. Click on the check icon to disable the ACF section on all of the listings. Note: The ACF section will remain on the Add / Edit listing page but won’t be displayed on the front end.
Disable for a specific listing
You can disable the element for each listing individually. To do that navigate to the Display Options section on the Add / Edit listing page of the desired listing and disable the ACF element.
Disable it on the Frontend Dashboard
To disable the ACF fields on the Add listing form of the Frontend dashboard, Navigate to the Listdom → Settings → General → Frontend Submission tab and disable the ACF element.
👉 The Display options and the Frontend Dashboard are available in the Listdom Pro Add-on.