Advanced Map Add-on Documentation

Listdom Advanced Icon Add-on allows you to upload images as icons for categories, features, and attributes. Listdom uses the image icon if filled instead of the default icon. On this page, see how to set up and use the Advanced Map Addon for the Listdom listing plugin.

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The Listdom has powerful options to show maps on different places like listing pages, archives, shortcodes, widgets, etc. The Listdom Advanced Map Addon adds even more features and options to customize the maps on the site.

Add-on Settings

When the Listdom Advanced Map Add-on is installed and activated, like other Listdom add-ons, a new section will be added to the “Addons” tab in the Listdom → Settings menu.

1. Marker Type

By default, a marker on the map shows the icon of the listing category. Here you can change the icon source or replace it with other data. Also, you can change the shape of the markers. The available options are:

  • Category: The default icon source.
  • Label: Shows the icon of the listing label. If there are several labels assigned to a listing then the first label with the most listings count will be used. It means that if two labels are assigned to the listing and one of them is assigned to 5 more other listings and the other one is assigned to 20 more listings, then the second one will be displayed. Also if the listing has no label then the default category icon (the one without the Advanced Map add-on) will be displayed.
  • Price: Shows the price of the listing instead of the icon.
  • Square: Changes the circle shape of the marker to a square shape.
  • Listing ID: Shows the listings IDs on the markers instead of the icons.

📺 You can see the different map marker types on the Listdom demo. Click Here

2. Infowindow Style

The Advanced Map Add-on adds a new style, called Style 2, for the infowindows which appear as one of the markers is clicked.

3. Leaflet Tile Server

It’s an advanced feature for developers. They can insert a JavaScript function to fully customize the tile server. You can see a sample of the function as the placeholder of the text area. To learn more, ask a developer or contact Listdom support.

4. Map Exclude

With this feature, you can select the categories that you want to remove their listings from the map. It’s a useful feature to show a listing on the list view but not on the map. It is used for online-only businesses that don’t have a particular location. You can change this setting for each listing on the add/edit listing page.

5. Bounds → Restrict Bounds

Insert your desired boundary to restrict the shortcodes’ maps’ bounds. You can use website to find the latitude and longitude of your desired boundary.

6. Map Styles

By default, Listdom supports several different Google Map Styles. This section lets you add your Google Map Styles and apply them in different places on your website e.g. skin shortcodes which include a map. You can add any number of map styles, but each one should have a name so you can easily find it later.

7. Internal Module

The Advanced Map add-on gives you the ability to enable or disable the Geo Direction module on the listing page. This module helps users navigate to the listing location. When this feature is enabled, your users can see the direction from their location to the listing, and they can also select their current location automatically.

8. Infowindow Link

If enabled, a link named “Directions” will be added to the map infowindows. When a user clicks on it, it opens the Google Maps app or website, and it shows how to get to the listing location.

9. Link Address

This option links the listing’s address to the Google Maps directions window.

Both addresses on the listing cards and also the listing details page will be linked.

What Is Added to the Skin Shortcodes

The Advanced Map Add-on also adds some of the options mentioned above to the skin shortcodes page so they can be changed for a certain shortcode. It’s possible to configure each one for the selected shortcode or leave to use the global settings configured in the settings.

The Marker Type, Infowindow Style, External Direction Link, and Global Restrict Bounds can inherit the settings from the global options or be changed per each shortcode.

Auto GPS: When enabled, this shortcode feature prompts browsers to ask visitors for their location and then display nearby listings. It works only on secure websites that use HTTPS.

Clean Bubbles: The add-on adds a new style to the clustering styles called “Clean Style”. See the Demo here.

What Is Added to The Listings

This addon adds a new option to the add/edit listing page which is used to remove the listing from the map. The option appears under the latitude and longitude fields. This option is set to “Inherit from global option” by default. The default option is set in the settings.

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