Excel Addon Documentation

When using the Listdom Excel add-on, importing classifieds to your listing website becomes effortless. This tool streamlines the expansion of your online listings and classifieds website by allowing you to easily import large batches of listings with just a few clicks using the Microsoft Excel software.

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Once the Listdom Excel add-on is installed and activated, a new Excel tab appears in Listdom → Import / Export with three main options:

  • Import
  • Mapping Templates
  • Export


In the Import section, you can upload your Excel file, map its fields to Listdom’s default fields, and initiate the import process by clicking on the Import button. The steps include:

1. Mapping Table: A table to map the Listdom default fields with the uploaded Excel file. The columns of this table are:

  • Listdom Field: Align Listdom fields (e.g., title, price, tags) with your Excel columns. Required fields are marked with a red star.
    Note: The Unique ID field is crucial if you want to update the existing listings. If you don’t map it then Listdom tries to update the existing listing with the same title and content.
    Note: In the categorylabeltagfeature, and location and also the listing owner fields, if a new value is available in the Excel file that doesn’t exist on the website, the Excel add-on will create a new entity based on that value term and assign that to the listing.
    Note: The Status field stores different status of the listings including: Published, Draft, Trash, Pending, Expired, On Hold and Offline
  • Type: The type of field e,g, text, number, URL, email, etc.
  • Mapping: The columns of the uploaded Excel file which must be assigned to Listdom fields one by one. Try to map the fields as much as you can and only map the correct fields to avoid corrupted data after import.
  • Default Value: You can insert a default value for some fields if your Excel file does not contain a value. For example, select USD for currency if it’s not included in your Excel file.

2 Mapping Name: Save your field mappings as a template by naming it during the import process.

3. Load Template: If you’ve already saved some mapping templates before, then you can apply saved templates from the dropdown for quicker imports.

Mapping Templates

This section displays all your saved mapping templates. You can remove any templates you no longer need.


Export all website listings into an Excel file. You can then edit this file and re-import it to update your listings.

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