Franchise Addon Documentation

With Listdom Franchise add-on, you can make a hierarchical relationship between the listings and assign a parent to the listings.

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How Does It Work?

This addon will add a “Listing Parent” field to the Add/Edit listing form and also the Frontend Dashboard which is used to set the parent for the listing. It will be like a branch and franchise structure and there will be a child and a parent listing that are displayed on each other pages. See the Listdom Franchise demo to learn more.

Frontend setting of franchise addon of Listdom classifieds plugin

Addons Settings

When you download and install Listdom Franchise Addon a new section will be added to the Addons tab of Listdom Settings and you can change the Franchise Category settings. If you select a certain category, then only the listings of the selected category will be displayed in the “Listing Parent” field.

Manage the Franchise add-on fields’ visibility

You can manage the visibility of the Franchise add-on fields on the listing pages at different levels.

Disable it for all of the listings

To disable it, go to Listdom → Settings → Details Page, and under the Elements section find the Franchise. Click on the check icon ✔ to disable the Franchise section on all of the listings. Note: The “Listing Parent” section will remain on the Add / Edit listing page but won’t be displayed on the front end.

Disable for a specific listing

You can disable the element for each listing individually. To do that navigate to the Display Options section on the Add / Edit listing page of the desired listing and disable the Franchise element.

Disable it on the Frontend Dashboard

To disable the Franchise field (Listing Parent) on the Add listing form of the Frontend dashboard, Navigate to the Listdom → Settings → General → Frontend Submission tab and disable the Franchise element.

👉 The Display options and the Frontend Dashboard are available in the Listdom Pro Add-on.

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