Jobs Addon Documentation

With the Listdom Jobs add-on, you can incorporate job listing capabilities into the Listdom listing directory WordPress plugin. This means that you can designate certain listings as job openings, allowing users to browse and apply for available job positions.

Table of Contents

Add-on Settings

The Listdom Jobs Addon configuration options are available in the Jobs Addon section in the Listdom → Settings → Addons. The available options are:

1. Application

Job Category

All listings in the selected category and its subcategories will be considered as jobs. The job listings will include an “Apply Now” section. If you select no category, then all of the listings will be considered as jobs. The visibility of this section can be managed at different levels. Learn more.

Guest Application

Enable this option if you want guest users (not logged-in users) to be able to submit applications.

Allowed File Extensions

Allowed file formats that users can upload with applications.

Application Limit

The applications count that each user can apply per month.

Limit Method

The limit method allows you to define how the application limit should reset.

  • Current Month: The limitations reset at the beginning of the month.
  • Past 30 Days: The limitations reset every 30 days based on the user registration date.

2. Job Modules

First, select a job category in the field above so the Job Module section appears. Disable the modules that you do not want to show in the job listings. Note that enabling each option leads to deactivating that module.

3. Shortcodes

[listdom-manage-applications]: Use this shortcode to display received applications for current user so the user can view and manage the applications on the front end of your website. It will be displayed in the Listdom dashboard as a separate tab too.

[listdom-my-applications]: Use this shortcode to display the sent applications by the current applicant.

You can add these shortcodes to a normal WordPress page using any editor and page builder.

How to Apply For a Job

This addon adds a new section on the listings titled “Apply Now”. The site visitors can fill out the form to apply for the job. The limitation count displayed on top of the fields can be set here.

Applications Management

The submitted applications can be displayed both for the applicant and the job owner in different ways:

The shortcodes were explained above. Let’s review the two other options.

Frontend Dashboard

This add-on adds a new section to the Listdom Frontend Dashboard called “Applications”. In this section, job authors can see and manage the application. On top of the applications, there is a filter form that can be used to search among the applications. Each application can have different statuses. Any new registered application will be in the Pending status until the author changes it. The listing author can use the buttons under the “Actions” section to approve, reject, or trash an application.

Applications Menu

In the WordPress dashboard go to Listdom → Applications to manage the submitted application. The available options are:

1. Statuses

Here the different statuses that have at least one application included are displayed. The “All” is not a status. It refers to all the applications. The status of an application can be changed on the “Edit Application” page. The available statuses are:

  • Published (Approved): The approved and published applications.
  • Draft: The draft applications.
  • Pending: The applications that need the approval of the author.
  • Rejected: The rejected applications.
  • Trash: The trashed applications.

2. Bulk Actions and Filters

Use these fields to bulk edit or trash and also filter the applications according to their dates.

3. Applications Table

A list of the submitted applications in different statuses. The columns of this table are:

  • Title: The application title including the name of the applicant and the title of the job listing. The Rejected, Pending, and Draft statuses of the application are displayed beside its title. You can click on the title to edit the application details.
  • Listing: The listing on which the application is submitted.
  • Name: The name of the applicant.
  • Email: The email address of the applicant.
  • Date: The date of submission.
Application Edit

To edit an application click on its title on the table and the Edit Application page opens. The available options are:

1. Application Title

Change the title of the application.

2. Application Details

A list of the application details that includes:

  • Listing: The listing on which the application is submitted.
  • Name: The name of the applicant.
  • Email: The email address of the applicant.
  • Application Code: This code can be included in the notifications sent to both the applicant and the author. The application code is a unique ID that applicant can use in their communications with the job company. The job author also can search the applications with the application code to find and manage them easily.
  • Resume: The uploaded Resume file.
  • Cover Letter: The uploaded Cover Letter file.
  • Status: The status of the application.
  • Message: the message submitted on the “Apply Now” form.
3. Publish

Once an application is submitted, it is in the Pending status. To approve it, simply click on the publish button. If you want to change some details and still keep the application in the pending status, click the “Save As Pending” button. Other options in this section are:

  • Status: Change the status of the listing to be:
    • Published 
    • Pending Review
    • Draft
    • Rejected
    • Approved
      The Published status is usable after the application is published.
  • Visibility: Select the visibility condition. Available options are:
    •  Public: The default, viewable to all.
    • Password protected: Clicking this radio button followed by “OK” causes a further text box to appear, into which you can enter a password.
    • Private: This option hides the content from the public completely.
  • Published on / Published immediately: Select the publish date and time.

Notification Hooks

The Listdom Jobs add-on adds some new hooks to the Notification Hooks. They are:

  • New Job Application
  • Owner Job Application Notification

You can send emails and SMS when each of these events happens. To learn more about hooks, read the Listdom Notification documentation.

Manage The “Apply Now” Section Visibility

You can manage the visibility of the “Apply Now” section fields on the listing pages at different levels.

Disable it for all of the listings

To disable it, go to Listdom → Settings → Details Page, and under the Elements section find the Application. Click on the check icon ✔ to disable this section on all of the listings.

Disable for a specific listing

You can disable the section for each listing individually. To do that navigate to the Display Options section on the Add / Edit listing page of the desired listing and disable the Application element.

👉 The Display options are available in the Listdom Pro Add-on.

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