How To Add a Review
The Listdom Reviews add-on adds a new reviews section under each listing to submit the users’ reviews. The form includes several fields:
- Default Fields: Here are the default and required fields to submit a review.
- Added Fields: The arbitrary fields that can be added to the form. They’re described more below.
- reCAPTCHA: To enable the reCAPTCHA follow the steps here.
After completing the form and pressing the “Submit Review” button, the review will be published or will be published after the site admin approval. It can be managed in the add-on settings.
Review Custom Fields
The review form’s added fields can be managed through the “Reviews Fields” menu. The available options are:
- Name: Name the new field.
- Field Type: Currently, there are two kinds of fields available:
- Rate: A star-rate field
- Dropdown: A dropdown field with custom values.
- Relate Categories: Determine on which category listings, this field should be displayed.
- Index: The Index field lets you set the order of the fields. It uses relative numbers, so the values are compared to each other, and higher numbers are placed lower in the order.
- Fields Table: The already created fields are displayed here. Use the options under each one to edit, quick edit, or delete the field.
Add-on Settings
The Listdom Reviews add-on setting options are in the “Reviews Addon” section in the Listdom → Settings → Addons. The available options on this page are:
1. Contributions Type
Listings are a kind of WordPress post type and the WordPress shows the comment section on them. Set whether you want both Listdom reviews and WordPress comments to be displayed on the listing details page together or only the Listdom reviews.
2. Rating Method
Determine how the rating of a review should be calculated. The available options are:
- Overall Rating Field: Shows a main star-rating field.
- Average of Rating Fields: Hides the main rating field and uses the average of the custom-added rating fields.
3. Minimum Word Count
Determine the minimum required word count of the review description.
4. Maximum Word Count
Determine the maximum allowed word count of the review description.
5. Who can submit reviews?
You can specify which user types can submit reviews. The available options are:
- Everyone (Including Guest Visitors)
- All Logged in Users
- Contributors and Higher
- Authors and Higher
- Editors and Higher
- Admin Users
6. Who can see reviews?
You can specify which user types can see the listing reviews. The available options are:
- Everyone (Including Guest Visitors)
- All Logged in Users
- Contributors and Higher
- Authors and Higher
- Editors and Higher
- Admin Users
7. Delete Permission
Allow users to delete their reviews.
8. Automatically Approve Reviews
Enable this option and reviews will automatically be approved and displayed immediately after submission. You can disable the auto-approval and approve them manually in the Reviews menu.
9. Feedback Module
Enabling this option allows users to like or dislike each review.
10. Image Module
The website users can upload optional images for their reviews by enabling the image module.
11. Count of loaded reviews
Determine the count of reviews that you want to show in the listings.
12. Order By
How reviews should be ordered on the listing details page by default. The user can change it on the listing page. The available options are:
- Most Recent
- Most Helpful
- Highest Rates
- Lowest Rates
Submitted Reviews Management
The submitted reviews are collected in Listdom → Reviews. The available options on this page are:
1. Statuses
Here the different statuses of the reviews that have at least one review included are displayed. The “All” is not a status. It refers to all the reviews. The status of a review can be changed on the “Edit Review” page. The available statuses are:
- Published: The approved and published reviews.
- Draft: The draft reviews.
- Pending: The reviews that need the approval of the site admin.
- Rejected: The rejected reviews.
- Trash: The trashed reviews.
2. Bulk Actions and Filters
Use these fields to bulk edit or trash and also filter the reviews according to their dates.
3. Reviews Table
A list of the submitted reviews in different statuses. The columns of this table are:
- Title: The review title entered by the review author. The Rejected, Pending, and Draft statuses of the review are displayed beside its title. You can click on the title to edit the review details.
- Reviewer: The owner of the review.
- Listing: The listing on which the review is submitted.
- Rate: The rate score of the review.
- Likes: the count of the likes of the review.
- Dislikes: The count of the dislikes of the review.
- Date: The date of submission.
How to Edit a Review
Click on the review title to edit its status and details. the available options are:
1. Review Title
In this field, you can change the title of the review.
2. Review Content
Here the content of the review is displayed and you can change it.
3. Review Details
The details of the review are displayed here:
- Listing on which the review is submitted.
- Name of the submitter
- Email of the submitter
- Rate score of the review
- Likes of the review
- Dislikes of the review
- Custom Fields of the review
4. Publish
Once a review is submitted, it has the Pending status. To approve it, simply click on the publish button. If you want to change some details and still keep the review in the pending status, click the “Save As Pending” button. Other options in this section are:
- Status: Change the status of the review to be:
- Published
- Pending Review
- Draft
- Rejected
The Published status is usable after the review is published.
- Visibility: Select the visibility condition. Available options are:
- Public: The default, viewable to all.
- Password protected: Clicking this radio button followed by “OK” causes a further text box to appear, into which you can enter a password.
- Private: This option hides the content from the public completely.
- Published on / Published immediately: Select the publish date and time.
Final Outcome
Listings Details Page
This addon adds a form on the listing details page and according to the configurations, the users can add their reviews.
Also, the review summary of each listing will be displayed on the listing cards based on the skin and styles.
Shortcodes Sort Option
The Listdom Reviews add-on adds a new sorting option to the Listdom shortcodes called “Rate”. With this option activated, the listing of the shortcode will be sorted based on the listings’ review scores.
Most Reviewed
Another sorting option which is added by this addon is “Most Reviewed”. Choosing this option, the listings will be sorted based on the reviews count.