Packages Management
With the Listdom Subscription add-on, you can create several different packages to which the users can subscribe and start publishing listings. Listdom uses Woocommerce to perform a package purchase process. The Packages menu will be added to the Listdom menu. On this page, you can define new packages and see a list of created ones. The available options are:
1. Add Package
Use this button to add a new package.
2. Statuses
Here the different statuses that have at least one package included are displayed. The “All” is not a status. It refers to all the packages. The status of a package can be changed on the “Edit Package” page. The available statuses are:
- Published: The published packages.
- Draft: The draft packages.
- Pending: The packages that need to be published.
- Trash: The trashed packages.
3. Bulk Actions and Filters
Use these fields to bulk edit or trash and also filter the packages according to their dates.
4. Packages Tables
A list of the submitted packages in different statuses. The columns of this table are:
- Title: The package title. The Pending and Draft statuses of the package are displayed beside its title. You can click on the title to edit the package details.
- Assigned Product: Each Listdom package must have a Woocommerce product assigned to it.
- Listing Limit: The listing count limitation of the package.
- Duration: The active period duration of the package.
- Date: The date of package publication or last modification of it.
If you don’t see some of the columns, click on the “Screen Options” on the top right of the screen and mark the needed column names to display them. To edit a package, click on its title. Also, you can use the options under the title to Edit, Quick Edit, Trash, or Duplicate the package.
How to Create/Edit a Package
To create a new package, click on the “Add Package” button. The available options are:
1. Title
Enter or edit the package title.
2. Description
The package description will be displayed on the frontend dashboard packages list.
3. WooCommerce Product
Listdom Subscription add-on uses Woocommerce to perform the package purchase process. You need to make a product in Woocommerce for each package and select the product in this field. For each listing, only one product can be selected. This product is only used for the packages to be payable. The features and functions of the package are not defined in WooCommerce. To make a free package, make a free product in Woocommerce and select that here.
4. Listing Limit
The number of Listings that users can submit with this package. Leave it empty for unlimited submission.
5. Subscription Duration
The number of days that the subscription and listings will be active. The subscriber can submit listings before this period is expired. Leave it empty to never expire.
6. One Time Purchase
If enabled, this package can only be bought once per user. This can be useful for free listing packages, where you only want to allow the free package to be used once.
7. Listing Auto Confirm
Enable this option to automatically confirm listings submitted through this package.
8. Listing Auto Label
Select the labels that you want to assign to listings of this package automatically. Learn more about Listdom labels.
9. Available Categories
By default, all categories are available for each package but if you want to create category-specific packages then you can select your desired categories here.
10. Maximum Gallery Images
Set the Limitation of the gallery images the user can upload.
11. Maximum Description Length
Determine the maximum description characters for the listings.
12. Maximum Number of Tags
Set the count of the tags that the users can assign to a listing.
13. Package ID & Purchase URL
You can use this URL to make call-to-action links on the pricing tables, emails, etc. It adds the package to the user cart and redirects the user to the WooCommerce cart page.
14. Dashboard Modules
In the Dashboard Modules section, you can select the modules that should be available on the add listing form in the frontend Dashboard. The available options are:
- Address / Map
- Price Options
- Work Hours
- Contact Details
- RemarkGallery
- Attributes
- Locations
- Tags
- Features
- Labels
- Featured Image
- Embed Codes
- Ads
- Auction
- Booking
- Additional Categories
- Franchise
- Rank
- Team
- Visibility
15. Publish
Finally, press the publish button to make the package public. If you want to change some details and keep the package in the Draft status, click the “Save As Draft” button. Other options in this section are:
- Status: Change the status of the listing to be:
- Published
- Pending Review
- Draft
The Published status is usable after the package is published.
- Visibility: Select the visibility condition. Available options are:
- Public: The default, viewable to all.
- Password protected: Clicking this radio button followed by “OK” causes a further text box to appear, into which you can enter a password.
- Private: This option hides the content from the public completely.
- Published on / Published immediately: Select the publish date and time.
How to Subscribe to a Package
This add-on adds a new section to the Listdom Frontend Dashboard called Subscriptions. This section displays the subscribed packages and available packages to subscribe to. The user can purchase any available packages by clicking the checkout button to start adding listings.
Each package’s details are shown like this:
- Package Name
- Pachake Description
- Listing Limit Count
- Subscription Duration
- Available Categories
- Package Price
- Checkout Button
Subscriptions Management
For each subscriber of the packages, a new subscription is created in the Listdom → Subscriptions. On this page, you can see a list of subscriptions. The available options are:
1. Add Subscription
Use this button to create a subscription manually.
2. Statuses
Here the different statuses that have at least 1 subscription included are displayed. The “All” and “Mine” items are not statuses. The “All” refers to all of the subscriptions and the “Mine” shows the subscriptions of the current user. There are other statuses too:
- Published: The approved and published subscriptions.
- Draft: The draft subscriptions.
- Pending: The pending subscriptions.
- Trash: The trashed subscriptions.
- Expired: The expired subscriptions.
- On Hold: On Hold subscriptions.
- Canceled: Canceled subscriptions.
The status of the subscriptions can be changed using the publish options.
3. Bulk Actions and Filters
Use these fields to bulk edit or trash and also filter the subscriptions according to their dates.
4. Subscriptions Tables
A list of the created subscriptions in different statuses. The columns of this table are:
- Title: The subscription title. All of the statuses of the package except Published and Trash are displayed beside its title. You can click on the title to edit the subscription details.
- Package: The subscribed package.
- Subscription Date
- Expiry: The subscription’s expiration date is set based on the package settings.
- Usage: The count of the listings created within this subscription compared to the allowed limit set in the package settings.
How to Add/Edit a Subscription
While adding/editing a subscription the available options are:
1. Title
The title of the subscription.
2. Subscriptions
Woocommerce Order: It is a link that you can click and see the order details of subscriptions. If you are adding a subscription manually, the Woocommerce order will be displayed after the subscription is published.
Subscriber: The user who ordered the subscription.
Package: The package that this subscription belongs to.
Subscription Time: The date and time that the subscription has been ordered.
Expiry Time: The date and time that the subscription will finish and listings will be inactive.
Status: The subscription status.
Listings: Listings created with this subscription.
3. Publish
Finally, press the publish button to make the package public. If you want to change some details and keep the package in the Draft status, click the “Save As Draft” button. Other options in this section are:
- Status: Change the status of the listing to be:
- Published
- Pending Review
- Draft
The Published status is usable after the package is published.
- Visibility: Select the visibility condition. Available options are:
- Public: The default, viewable to all.
- Password protected: Clicking this radio button followed by “OK” causes a further text box to appear, into which you can enter a password.
- Private: This option hides the content from the public completely.
- Published on / Published immediately: Select the publish date and time.
Add-on Configurations
When the Listdom Subscriptions Addon is downloaded and installed, it will add a new section to the “Addons” tab of Listdom → Settings menus and you can configure this addon. The available options on this page are:
1. Default Subscription
If you want to sign up new users for a specific package, perhaps a free package, you can use this option. The subscription will be created automatically after user registration. This option is also necessary if you want to import listings using JSON, CSV, etc. files, otherwise imported listings cannot be edited after import due to the lack of a subscription. If you select a package as the default, it will be automatically assigned to new users who register. If you already have some users, you can manually subscribe them to this package by going to the Listdom → Subscription menu.
2. Auto Order Complete
Listdom uses Woocommerce to perform the purchase process. With the “Auto Order Complete” option you can indicate whether the Woocommerce order will be completed automatically or not.
3. Redirect to Add Listing Form
By enabling this option, users will be automatically redirected to the add listing form after a successful checkout.
Recurring Payment Support:
Subscriptions addon already integrated with “WooCommerce Subscriptions” and “YITH WooCommerce Subscription”. These WooCommerce-related plugins give you the ability of recurring payments for your products.
When you want to have a package that has recurring payments, the type of WooCommerce product that links to the Listdom package should be subscriptions.
Also, we have 2 more notifications for this type. The first one is the Hold notification, when a listing is going to be Hold this notification is sent to the user. Also, the second one is the Renew notification which when automatic renew happens this notification is sent.