Importing Demo Content

Demo content, often called "dummy data," is pre-designed sample content that helps you set up your site quickly, mirroring the demo site's appearance and functionality. Here's how to import it into your Listdomer theme.

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What is Demo Content?

Demo content includes pages, posts, images, and settings designed to showcase the theme’s features. It’s a great way to jumpstart your website design process. Listdomer has several ready contents that can be imported to the site. Therefore your site will look like the Listdom Demo site.

Steps to Import Demo Content

  1. Access Demo Import
    • In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance.
    • Click on Demo Import.
  2. Initiate the Import
    • Find the Import Demo Data button for Listdomer.
    • Click Continue & Import to start the process.listdomer configuration import demo data
      listdomer configuration import step
  3. Wait for Completion
    • A progress page will appear. Wait until the import is finished. listdomer configuration importing content
  4. Confirmation
    • Once complete, a success message will appear. listdomer configuration import complete

Final Step

Visit your site to see the imported content and make any necessary adjustments. Using demo content helps you understand the theme’s layout and capabilities, providing a solid foundation to build your unique website.

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