All Listings Menu

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Listings or directories are the main part of a directory website. In Listdom there are two ways to create a listing. The WordPress admin dashboard and the Listdom frontend dashboard. In this article, the first way is explained in detail. The frontend dashboard is fully described here.

To view and edit the created listings go to Listings → All Listings. The main options on this page are:

1. Listings Table

A list of the created and imported listings in different statuses. The columns of this table are:

  • Title: The name of the listing.
  • Comments: The number of comments (not reviews) on the listing.
  • Address: The address of the listing.
  • Category: The primary category of the listing.
  • Rank: The rank score of the listing.

👉 The Listing Rank feature is included in the Listdom Rank Add-on.

  • Author: The author of the listing.
  • Date: The publish or the last modification (for non-published status) date of the listing.

If you don’t see some of the columns, click on the “Screen Options” on the top right of the screen and mark the needed column names to display them. To edit a listing, click on its title. Also, you can use the options under the title to Edit, Quick Edit, Trash, View (preview for Draft and Pending statuses), or Duplicate the listing.

2. Filters

Use these fields to filter the listings according to their dates, categories, locations, features, and labels.

3. Statuses

Here the different statuses of the listings that have at least 1 listing included are displayed. The “All” and “Mine” items are not statuses. The “All” refers to all the listings and the “Mine” shows the listings that the current user is their author. There are other statuses too. They’re created and/or used by different Listdom add-ons. The main feature of them is to un-publish the listings so they won’t appear on the website anymore.

  • Published: The published listings.
  • Draft: The draft listings
  • Pending: The listings created by the user on the front-end dashboard that need the approval of the site reviewers.
  • Trash: The trashed listings.
  • Expired: Added by Listdom Pro Addon. It can be used by the admin to deactivate the display of a listing on the website. It’s also used by the subscription add-on to put the listings of an expired user into expired status.
  • On Hold: Added by Listdom Pro Addon. It can be used by the admin to deactivate the display of a listing on the website.
  • Offline: Added by Listdom Pro Addon. It can be used by the admin to deactivate the display of a listing on the website. This status is also used by the Booking add-on reservation mode. When a reservation is approved then the listing status changes to Offline and disappears from the frontend. If the booking gets rejected or canceled by the user it gets published again. It is also used by the Visibility add-on to put a listing in Offline status when the time of visibility ends.
  • Denied: Added by Listdom Jobs add-on. The admin can deny a job post (listing).
  • Inactive: Added by Listom Jobs add-on. The admin can set a job post (listing) to inactive status.

The status of the listings can be changed using the publish options on the listing edit page.

4. Add Listing Button

To add a new listing hit the “Add Listing” button. Also, it’s possible to add a new listing directly by clicking on the Add Listing under the “Listing” menu.

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