Search and Filter Form Available Fields

Creating search fields on directories You can add your desired fields to the search form for advanced search. Determining different fields for searching in the Listdom WordPress directory plugin is done easily. You can adjust it depending on your needs and the tags and categories created on your directory items.

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Listdom search and filter forms consist of different fields. Each of them has its own options and settings. They can be used in the rows of the form easily with drag and drop. Let’s review them.

Text Search Field

Adds a text field to the form to type a term that the user is searching for. The available options are:

  • Title: Choose a title for this field to show in the form.
  • Method: Each field can have different methods to show the content. In the Text Search field, only the text input method is available.
  • Placeholder: Write a text to show in the field. This text will be displayed in the field when it is empty. If the “Default Value” is filled. the placeholder will not be displayed until the user deletes that. The placeholder is optional and if not entered, the field Title will be displayed as the placeholder.
  • Default Value: Enter a value to be the default entry of the field. If the user doesn’t change the default value, then the search will be performed based on that value. This field is optional.

Taxonomies Fields

Categories, Locations, Tags, Features, Labels

With these fields, the Listdom taxonomies can be added to the search and filter form. The available options are:

  • Title: Choose a title for this field to show in the form.
  • Method: Each field can have different methods to show the content. the available methods are:
    • Dropdown: The user should select one taxonomy from a dropdown list. The categories and locations will be displayed in a parent-child style. Learn more.
    • Dropdown (Multiple Selection): The user should select several taxonomies from a dropdown list.
    • Checkboxes: The user should select several taxonomies through a checkbox list.
    • Radio Buttons: The user should select one taxonomy through a list of radio buttons.
    • Text Input: The user should enter the name of the desired taxonomy.
    • Hierarchical Dropdowns: Shows two dropdown lists. The user should select one parent taxonomy from the first dropdown and the child taxonomy from the second one. It’s only available for category and location fields.

👉 The Hierarchical method is available in the Listdom Pro Add-on.

  • Hide Empty Terms: Determine to hide the taxonomies that do not have any listing.
  • Placeholder: Write a text to show in the field. This text will be displayed in the field when it is empty. For example: “Select the category”.
    • If the “Default Value” is filled. the placeholder will not be displayed until the user changes or deletes that.
    • It will not be displayed if the method is “Checkboxes” or “Radio Buttons”.
  • Default Value: Enter a value to be the default entry of the field. If the user doesn’t change the default value, then the search will be performed based on that value. The value must be a valid taxonomy item name e.g. Bank, Florida, VIP. Otherwise, it will be ignored unless the method is “Text Input”.
  • Terms Method: Determine which taxonomies can be used in this field. It will not be displayed if the method is “Text Input”. Available options are:
    • Display All Terms: Uses all of the Listdom taxonomies.
    • Display Selected Terms: Comes with a checkbox list to select the desired taxonomies.
Categories field
Features field
Tags field
Locations field
Labels field

Attributes Fields

Attributes are another type of field that can be used in search and filter forms.

👉 The Attributes are available in the Listdom Pro Add-on.

Among the available attribute types, these can be used in the search and filter forms:

  • Number
  • Dropdown
  • Text
  • Textarea

The attribute fields appear in the “Available Fields” with the same name in the attribute settings. All of the options for each of these fields are the same as the taxonomy fields. Only the “Number field” has additional methods:

  • Number Input: Same as the Text Input. Accepts only numbers. The user should enter an exact number equal to any value of the attribute field to get valid results.
  • Dropdown: The user should select one of the attribute values from a dropdown list. The values are exactly the ones entered in each listing.
  • Dropdown+: This field lets users select a minimum value for a listing. Listings with a value below the minimum are filtered out. You can determine the minimum, maximum, and Increment of the dropdown numbers. Also, the thousands separator can be activated too. It’s useful for a better look at the large numbers.
A number attribute field
A dropdown attribute field
A text attribute field

Price Field

The price field is a number field that has several options. The “Title”, “Placeholder”, and “Default Value” settings are the same as the previous fields e.g. taxonomy fields. The available Methods of the Price field are:

  • Dropdown+: This field allows users to choose a minimum price for a listing. Listings with a price below the minimum are filtered out. You can define the minimum, maximum, and increment for the dropdown prices. Additionally, the thousands separator can be enabled to improve the appearance of the large numbers.
  • Min/Max Input: This method is the same as a Text Input method except that an additional entry for the maximum price value is also added to the field.

Price Class Field

This is a dropdown field and the user can select the price class of the listings. Other settings are the same as taxonomy fields.

Address Field

The Address field options are also the same as the other fields and only the “Methods” are different. the available methods are:

  • Text Input: It is the default method. The user should enter a desired address, city, country, etc. to find the listings in that area.
  • Radius Search: With this field, the user can determine the radius length of the address search. The user should enter a desired address, city, country, etc. along with a number in meters to find the listings in that radius. By choosing this method the following options appear:
    • Radius (Meters): Set the default number of the radius in meters.
    • Display Radius Field: Select “Yes” to show the Redius entry in the form so the user can change the default radius length.
  • Radius Search (Dropdown): It’s like the Radius search except that the radius values are pre-defined by the admin. By choosing this method the following options appear:
    • Radius Values (Meters): Enter the available values of the radius search to show in the dropdown.
    • Radius Display Unit: Set the unit of the radius values.

For better functionality, it’s suggested to insert a complete address, and not just a single word, in the address field. This will ensure that the search results are as accurate as possible.

👉 The Radius Search methods are available in the Listdom Pro Add-on.

Booking add-on Fields

The Listdom Booking Add-on adds several fields to make advanced search and filter forms to search the bookable listings:

  • Start & End Dates: A Date range picker field to select the start and end date of the booking.
  • Adults: A number input to determine the count of adults.
  • Children: A number input to determine the count of children.

The fields’ options are also the same as the other fields. To learn more about the Booking add-on, view the Booking Add-on documentation.

👉 The Booking add-on fields are available in the Listdom Booking Add-on.

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