Available Shortcodes
You can display login, register, and password reset forms on any page and customize them to match your site’s branding and functionality using these shortcodes:
for login forms[listdom-register]
for registration[listdom-forgot-password]
for password recovery[listdom-auth]
for a combined, switchable form with options for login, register, and password reset
👉 Authentication shortcodes are included in the Pro Add-on. You can upgrade to the Listdom Pro Add-on now to enjoy all of the features of the Listdom.
How to Use Shortcodes?
The authentication shortcodes are just like any other shortcodes. You need to insert them on any page you want to display the forms. They can be placed in the headers, footers, sidebars, popups, etc. You can also use page builders to include the shortcodes in a page, popup, etc.
Shortcodes Settings
You can find the settings for the shortcodes in Listdom by navigating to Listdom → Settings → Authentication tab in your WordPress dashboard. Under this tab, you’ll have full control over how each form behaves, from customizing labels and placeholders to managing redirects and password policies.
This tab contains multiple accordions for different sections:
- Authentication (for general settings)
- Login
- Register
- Forgot Password
- Logged in Users
Each section offers settings specific to the corresponding shortcode or action. Note: The Authentication shortcode [listdom-auth]
displays all 3 forms at once and the settings under each accordion will affect the corresponding form in this shortcode too.
The shortcode [listdom-auth] displays a versatile form that includes login, register, and forgot password in a single interface. Users can toggle between these forms by clicking links or tabs.
Customization options for this shortcode are found under the Authentication accordion:
- Form Switcher: Choose between displaying Links & Tabs, Tabs only, or Links only for switching between login, register, and forgot password forms. The links are displayed at the bottom of each form.
- Labels: Customize the text for form labels, including:
- Login Tab Label: Text field for the login tab link (Default: “Login”).
- Register Tab Label: Text field for the registration tab link (Default: “Register”).
- Forgot Password Tab Label: Text field for the forgot password tab link (Default: “Forgot Password”).
- Login Link Label: Text for the login form link (Default: “Already a member? Login”).
- Register Link Label: Text for the register form link (Default: “Not a member? Register”).
- Forgot Password Link Label: Text for the forgot password link (Default: “Forgot your password?”).
- Forms Display Toggle: Switcher to hide any of the three forms (Login, Register, Forgot Password) from displaying in the [listdom-auth] shortcode.
The [listdom-login] shortcode displays a login form on any page where this shortcode is inserted. Below are the customization options available under the “Login” accordion in the Listdom → Settings → Authentication tab. These settings will affect both the login form displayed by [listdom-login] and also the login form in the [listdom-auth]:
- Labels: Customize the text for form labels, including:
- Username Label: Text field to set the label for the username input. (Default: “Username”)
- Password Label: Text field to set the label for the password input. (Default: “Password”)
- Remember Me Label: Text field to set the label for the “Remember Me” checkbox. (Default: “Remember Me”)
- Button Label: Text field to set the text for the login button. (Default: “Log In”)
- Username Placeholder: Text field to enter the placeholder text for the username input. (Default: “Enter your username”)
- Password Placeholder: Text field to enter the placeholder text for the password input. (Default: “Enter your password”)
- Redirect
- After Login Redirect Page: Dropdown to select the page where users are redirected after logging in.
The [listdom-register] displays a registration form for new users.
Below are the available customization options in the Register accordion. These settings will affect both the register form displayed by [listdom-register] and also the register form in the [listdom-auth]:
- Labels: Customize the text for form labels, including:
- Username Label: Text field to set the label for the username input. (Default: “Username”)
- Password Label: Text field to set the label for the password input. (Default: “Password”)
- Email Label: Text field to set the label for the email input. (Default: “Email”)
- Button Label: Text field to set the text for the registration button. (Default: “Register”)
- Username Placeholder: Text field to set the placeholder for the username input.
- Password Placeholder: Text field to set the placeholder for the password input.
- Email Placeholder: Text field to set the placeholder for the email input.
- Auto Login
- Auto Login: Switcher that determines whether users are automatically logged in after registering.
- After Register Redirect Page: Dropdown to select the page users are redirected to after registration.
- Password Policy: Options to set password strength requirements, including:
- Password Length: Number input to set minimum characters (Default: 8).
- Contain Uppercase: Switcher for whether the password must include uppercase letters.
- Contain Lowercase: Switcher for whether the password must include lowercase letters.
- Contain Numbers: Switcher for whether the password must include numbers.
- Contain Special Characters: Switcher for whether the password must include special characters.
Forgot Password
The [listdom-forgot-password] displays a forgot password form and handles password recovery requests.
Customization options are available in the Forgot Password accordion. These settings will affect both the reset password form displayed by [listdom-forgot-password] and also the form in the [listdom-auth]:
- Labels: Customize the text for form labels, including:
- Email Label: Text field to set the label for the email input.
- Email Placeholder: Text field to set the placeholder for the email input. (Default: “Enter your email address”)
- Button Label: Text field to set the label for the password reset button. (Default: “Reset Password”)
- Redirect:
- Page: Dropdown to select the page users are redirected to after requesting a password reset.
Logged In Users
This section provides settings for users who are already logged in.
The shortcodes display a box containing the user name and avatar as well as two buttons. The My Account button and Logout button.
The links of these buttons can be determined in this section:
- Redirect After Logout Page: Dropdown to select the page users are redirected to after logging out.
- Account URL: Dropdown to select the page users are redirected to when clicking the account button.