Details page

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The listing details page is where visitors to your website can learn more about a particular listing. You can customize the look of this page to match your site’s overall design. To do this, go to Listdom → Settings → Details Page tab. You can change the style, select the layout template file from your active theme files, and enable or disable the elements that appear on the page.

1. Style Category

Listdom offers several ways to design the listing details page. Selecting each category reveals the available styles and options in the Style dropdown. The available options are:

Premade Styles

Choose between the premade styles to change the look of the listing details page. The available styles are:

Style 1 – Basic: It’s a basic style that displays the listing details elements in one column and under each other. See the Demo. You can change the order of the elements in this style by dragging them in the Elements section.

Style 2 – Sidebar: This style shows the elements in two columns. It has a main column and a sidebar. The order of the elements cannot be changed in this style. See the demo.

Style 3 – Slider Header: In this style, the listing gallery images are displayed as a slider on top of the details page. See the demo. It’s also possible to change the slider to a list of images. Each image can be displayed in a lightbox in both the slider and list. To apply these settings go to the Image Gallery element in the Elements section.

Style 4 – User Directory: This style is designed to suit directory sites that present a list of users, contacts, staff, etc. The listing featured image is small enough to only show the person’s photo and the contact details are placed under the listing title. See the demo.

Design Builder

The Listdom design builder lets you design the listing details page according to what you need. See the demo. By choosing the “Design Builder” option, two new options will be displayed under the Elements section.

Configuration: Is used to configure each element’s details

Design builder: It lets you create the details page. The Design Builder has 9 sections in 3 rows. The rows are Headers, Columns, and Footers. The width of the column can be determined using the dropdown field on top of each of them. The available width options are:

  • 1/4
  • 2/4
  • 3/4
  • 4/4

Note that the width of the columns in each row is proportional to the other columns. It’s not required for the columns’ width sum to equal 4/4. For example, you can select 4/4 for all of them and the width of all columns will be equal.

Also, in each column, there is a list of all of the available elements. You can select any of them and display them in that column. Drag and drop each element to determine the order of them. Elements will not appear on the front end if they are disabled in the Configuration tab or listing Display Options. The Map element can only be enabled once.

There are two fields under the Design Builder tab:

  1. Box Method: this option is most used while the site theme is Listdomer. The Listdomer displays the content in white boxes. In this option you can determine that the white background should be applied to:
    • Whole Box: All elements are placed in one box.
    • Row Box: Each row (Header, Columns, Footers) will be placed in one box.
    • Section Box: Each of the 9 sections will be placed in one box.
    • Element Box: Each of the elements e.g. Listing Title, Featured Image, etc. will be in a separate box.
    • No Box: No box will be displayed.
  2. Title Alignment: Use this option to determine the title alignment of each element of the Design Builder.


With the Listdom Elementor addon installed, you can design custom styles and choose them as the default listing details page style. The available created styles appear in the Style dropdown.

Divi Templates

Although the Divi option is not displayed in this dropdown, you can use the Listdom Divi addon to design custom styles in Divi Theme Builder and choose them as the default listing details page style there.

2. Theme Layout

This configuration enables you to select a template from your active theme. If the website theme supports multiple layouts for single pages, you can select your desired layout for the listing details page. If you’re unsure about this option, just select the Default Layout. Also, don’t select an archive layout if your theme has added this option. If you are unsure about this, leaving it as the default is best.

3. Display Options Per Category

When this option is enabled, you can assign a unique single listing style to each category. Also, it will be possible to change the elements’ visibility for the listings of each category.

👉 Display Options Per Category is included in the Pro Add-on. You can upgrade to the Listdom Pro Add-on now to enjoy all of the features of the Listdom.

4. Display Options Per Package

When this option is enabled, you can assign a unique single listing style to each Package.

👉 Display Options Per Package is included in the Subscription Add-on. Install and activate the Listdom Subscription Add-on now to enjoy all of the features of the Listdom.

5. Display Options Per Listing

Each listing can have its own set of elements and styles. The settings applied to each one override the configurations on this page. Choose who can manage these settings for each listing. The available options are:

  • Disabled
  • Admin only
  • Admin and listing owner

👉 Display Options Per Listing is included in the Pro Add-on. You can upgrade to the Listdom Pro Add-on now to enjoy all of the features of the Listdom.


You can disable or enable the comments sections of the listings.

7. Elements

In the Elements section, you can change the order of the elements if Style 1 – Basic is selected in the style field. Additionally, you can disable or enable the elements that are displayed on the listing details page in all Styles. To do that simply click on the check icon to disable the element. To enable an element click on the appeared minus icon.

You can also click on the gear icon ⚙ to configure each element more, such as whether its title should be displayed or not. Some of the Listdom addons may add new elements to this section. The available elements and their setting options are:

LabelsTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the “Labels” title
Featured Image
Show Title
Title Alignment
Default, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Featured video (Pro addon)
Listing Title
PriceTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
TagsTitleShow TitleDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Listing ContentTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Image GalleryTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
OptionsLightboxEnable the lightbox option to open each image in a lightbox.
StyleActivate the Slider option to display the gallery images in a nice-looking slider. The other option is List, which displays the images’ thumbnails simply next to each other.
Add Featured ImageEnabled/Disabled
Embed (Pro addon)
Attributes (Pro addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
OptionsShow IconsYes/No
Show Attribute TitleYes/No
FeaturesTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
OptionsShow IconsYes/No
LayoutOne Per Row/Inline
Contact InformationTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Remark / Owner MessageTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
AddressTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
MapTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
OptionsMap ProviderSelect the map provider to be Google Maps or Leaflet. The Leaflet is available in the Listdom Pro addon.
InfowindowDisable the info window on the map in the listing details page.
StyleSelect the default Google Maps styles.
Google PlacesEnable or disable the Google Places
Zoom ControlSelect the position of the Zoom Control tool
Map TypeSelect the position of the Map Type tool
Street ViewSelect the position of the Street View tool
Scale ControlEnable or disable the Scale Control
FullscreenEnable or disable the Fullscreen
AvailabilityTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
OwnerTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Contact FormEnable/Disable
ShareTitleShow TitleYes/No
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Report AbuseTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
OptionsName FieldEnable/Disable
Phone FieldEnable/Disable
Listing ExcerptTitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
ACF (ACF addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Booking (Booking addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Ads (Ads addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Auction (Auction addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Franchise (Franchise addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Application (Jobs addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Discussion (Reviews addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
Stats (Stats addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title
OptionsIf ZeroDetermine whether the stats items should be displayed when are zero or not
Team (Team addon)TitleShow TitleYes/No
Title AlignmentDefault, Left, Center, Right
Custom TitleEnter the customized title to replace the default title

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