The Listdom has many options to create a powerful listing and directory website. The Setting menu is achievable under the Listdom menu in the WordPress admin panel. Now we are going to introduce different parts of the Settings menu.

The settings menu of the Listdom is divided into 8 different tabs and each one will be used to configure one part of the system. To read the full description of each section click on its name:
Configurations related to date, time, currency, map module, main and second color, main font, Google Recaptcha, etc.
Archive Pages
Configurations related to different archive page templates. Here you can define the structure of each archive page.
This menu is useful for changing the URL prefix of each entity that you have in the Listdom. For example listing details, location archives, etc.
Configure and select which social networks should be available in the Listdom skins.
Custom Styles
You can add your custom CSS here to customize the appearance of the Listdom.
Details Pages
Change the way of displaying the listing details page here.
To work with the Listdom API, here you can copy “API Tokens.” These tokens are also required for Android and iOS apps.
This tab appears only if any of the Listdom addons are installed.