Listdom Label Shortcode

Independent display for your directory items This shortcode shows Listdom WP listing plugin labels which you entered anywhere that you want. On this page, you can see how to use the shortcode to display the Label created in your listings.

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This shortcode displays Listdom labels that you can enter anywhere you want. You can specify the style, grid, and whether to show icons or counts. You can also filter labels by parent ID, search keyword, or order. If you want to include the labels items within a post or page, you can use this shortcode to display them.

Shortcode Parameters

  • style: Specifies the style of the label display. Valid options are “simple”, and “clean”.
    • Usage: [listdom_label style="simple"]
  • grid: Specifies the number of columns in the grid layout.
    • Usage: [listdom_label grid="3"]
  • show_count: Determines whether to display the count of items for each label. Use the value “1” to show and “0” to hide.
    • Usage: [listdom_label show_count="1"] or [listdom_label show_count="0"]
  • ids: Filters labels by their IDs separated with a comma. To find a label ID follow these steps:
    • Navigate to Listings > Labels on the left sidebar. Hover Over/Edit the Label:
      • Hover over a label name or click Edit.
      • Look at the URL in your browser’s address bar. You’ll see something like tag_ID=123 or term_id=123. The number 123 is the ID of the listing label.
    • Usage: [listdom_label ids="ID1,ID2,ID3"]
  • search: Filters labels by a search keyword. You can add part of a term name to search between the terms like search=”Hot” and it will return matching terms.
    • Usage: [listdom_label search="keyword"]
  • orderby: Specifies the order by which to sort labels.
    • Options: “name”, “ID”, “count”. The default is “name”.
    • Usage: [listdom_label orderby="name"]
  • order: Specifies the order direction (ascending or descending).
    • Options: “ASC”, “DESC”. The default is “ASC”.
    • Usage: [listdom_label order="ASC"] or [listdom_label order="DESC"]
  • limit: Limits the number of labels displayed. The default is 8.
    • Usage: [listdom_label limit="10"]
  • hide_empty: Determines whether to hide empty labels. Use the value “1” to hide and “0” to show.
    • Usage: [listdom_label hide_empty="1"] or [listdom_label hide_empty="0"]


[listdom_label grid=”4″ show_count=”true” orderby=”count” limit=”8″] 👇

[listdom_label style=”simple” grid=”3″ show_count=”true” orderby=”id” hide_empty=”1″] 👇

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