The [listdom_simplemap] shortcode is used to display a map with a marker at any location you want. It’s independent of Listdom skin shortcode, so you can use it anywhere on your site. The map will be displayed responsively, meaning that it will adjust to the size of the container that it is in. The map can be generated using Google Maps or Leaflet. The marker on the map shows a point with a certain latitude and longitude or a specific and detailed address. Also, the marker can have an icon too. To specify these settings you need to use the shortcode parameters.
Shortcode Parameters
- lat: Stands for the Latitude of the desired point on the map.
- lng: Stands for the Longitude of the desired point on the map.
- address: Put an exact address to determine the marker point. You should insert a full and detailed address. Also, your Google Maps API key should have access to geocode API otherwise Listdom is not able to convert address to geo point.
- zoomlevel: A number between 0-19 which is the default zoom level of the map. If not inserted, the value will be 14.
- provider: Determine the map provider service. Available options are the Google Maps and the Leaflet. If not specified it will use the default map provider which is set in the general settings.
- icon: To change the marker icon, insert the URL of an image along with this parameter. If not provided then the default icon will be used.
[listdom_simplemap lat=”27.6648″ lng=”-81.5158″ zoomlevel=”7″ icon=”Yourdomain.com/uploads/heart-icon.png“]

[listdom_simplemap address=”835 North Rd, Coquitlam, BC V3J 1P8, Canada” zoomlevel=”7″]