This shortcode displays Listdom categories, tags, and other taxonomy types to use anywhere you want. It’s fully independent and standalone from the Listdom views.
Shortcode Parameters
This shortcode accepts some parameters:
- dropdown: Specifies whether to display the terms in a dropdown menu. If set to false or not provided, the terms will be displayed in a list format. Use the value “1” to show and “0” to hide.
- Usage:
[listdom_terms dropdown="1"]
- Usage:
- hierarchical: Determines whether to display the terms in a hierarchical (nested) format. This means parent terms will be shown with their child’s terms nested beneath them. Use the value “1” to show and “0” to hide.
- Usage:
[listdom_terms hierarchical="1"]
or[listdom_terms hierarchical="0"]
- Usage:
- show_count: Specifies whether to display the count of items in each term. Use the value “1” to show and “0” to hide.
- Usage:
[listdom_terms show_count="1"]
or[listdom_terms show_count="0"]
- Usage:
- taxonomy: Specifies the taxonomy to be used. This can be any of the Listdom valid taxonomies. If not provided, it defaults to the category taxonomy.
- Accepted values are listdom-category, listdom-location, listdom-label, listdom-tag, and listdom-feature.
- Usage:
[listdom_terms taxonomy="listdom-category"]
Here is an example of the [terms_shortcode]. By changing the taxonomy parameter, you get different results.
[listdom_terms show_count=”1″ taxonomy=”listdom-tag”]
[listdom_terms show_count=”1″ taxonomy=”listdom-feature”]
[listdom_terms show_count=”1″ taxonomy=”listdom-category”]
[listdom_terms show_count=”1″ taxonomy=”listdom-label”]
[listdom_terms show_count=”1″ taxonomy=”listdom-location”]