Masonry View shortcode

The Listdom Masonry view is a popular choice for presenting listings. It’s named after the masonry technique used in construction, where bricks of different sizes are laid without gaps. Similarly, a masonry layout arranges listings of varying heights into a neat structure. Also, there is an option to filter the listings based on categories, locations, features, and labels. This filter system works without reloading the page bringing a great UX to the site.

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Settings and Options of Masonry View

To display directories in the Masonry view on your website, you need to first create the relevant shortcode. Once you have this shortcode, you can place it anywhere on your website, and the directories will be presented in the Masonry view.

In your WordPress admin panel navigate to Listdom → Shortcodes. Press the Add Shortcode button.

The Masonry view shortcode on the “Add New Shortcode” page, has these options:

1. Add Title: Type a name for this shortcode.

2. Skin: Select the skin type. Here we choose Masonry View.

3. Style: Choose between 3 different styles for listing cards. You can select either the pre-made styles or make new ones with Elementor.

👉 You can build custom styles for listing cards with Listdom Elementor Add-on.

4. Filter By: Select the source of filters. The available options are categories, locations, features, and labels. The items of the selected taxonomy will be displayed as some buttons above the listing items. Clicking on each of them will filter the listing items and show only the ones that are matched to that taxonomy item clicked. This filter system works without reloading the page.

5. Limit: This sets the number of listings displayed.

6. List View: The default design of the listing card is vertical as in Grid view. It means that the image is on top and the title and other details are under that. By activating the List View option, the listing cards will be displayed in horizontal format. The image will be on the left and the other elements on the right and each row will have only one listing.

7. Listing Per Row: Select the count of listing items per each row. This option will be hidden if the List view is selected.

8. Listing Link: Choose where the listing links will open:

  • Same Window: Opens the listing detail page in the same browser window.
  • New Window: Opens the listing detail page in a new window.
  • Open in Lightbox: Shows the listing detail in a lightbox.
  • Disabled: Disables the link.

9. Display Image: This option allows you to disable the listing image.

👉 The Listing Link and Display Image features are only available on Listdom Pro Addon.

10. Image Method: If the listing has an image gallery, this option can display the gallery instead of the feature image. It shows a slider with navigation arrows on the card.

11. Display Labels: Choose whether to display the listing labels on the image.

12. Display Share Buttons: Enabling this option adds a share icon to each item. Hovering over this icon reveals the share buttons.

13. Display Matched Bookables: This option shows the Matched Bookables. Learn more.

👉 The Display Matched Bookable Option is available in the Listdom Booking Add-on.

The other options on the page are common between different types of skin shortcodes. You can read about Skins Shortcodes Common Settings.

Finally, press the Publish button.

To display the listings in Masonry View using this shortcode, you have the flexibility to position the shortcode at any location on your website.

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