Skins Shortcodes Common Settings

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create professional shortcodes with Listdom listing plugin. These shortcodes will help you to easily display your listings on different pages of the site. Listdom has 11 skins that with their different styles can make over 80 different skins.

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The Listdom supports so many different skins and styles built with skin shortcodes. Skin shortcodes are used to generate a list, table map, etc. of the listings. You can filter each shortcode to display only the listings of a particular category, tag, location, author, etc. The shortcode structure is:

[listdom id=”ID NUMBER”]

After configuring and generating the shortcode, you can insert that on the target page to show your listings with the selected styles and details.

Shortcodes Management

To manage the created shortcodes, Navigate to Listdom → Shortcodes. The available options on this page are:

1. Shortcodes Table

This table has several columns including:

  • Title: The title of the shortcode
  • Shortcode: The shortcode main phrase
  • Favorite Shortcode: Use this shortcode to show the favorite listings of the user.

👉 The Favorite Shortcode column is included in the Listdom Favorite Add-on.

  • Skin: The skin of the shortcode
  • Date: The date of the shortcode publication or modification (for draft ones)

If you don’t see some of the columns, click on the “Screen Options” on the top right of the screen and mark the needed column names to display them. To edit a shortcode, click on its title. Also, you can use the options under the title to Edit, Quick Edit, Trash, or Duplicate the shortcode.

2. Bulk Actions & Filters

Use these fields to bulk edit or filter the shortcodes by date or shortcode skin.

3. Statuses

Here the different statuses of the shortcodes that have at least 1 shortcode included are displayed. The “All” is not a status and refers to all of the listings. The available statuses are:

  • Published: The published shortcodes.
  • Draft: The draft shortcodes.
  • Pending: The pending shortcodes.
  • Trash: The trashed shortcodes.

The status of the shortcodes can be changed using the publish options on the shortcodes edit page.

4. Add Shortcode Button

To add a new shortcode hit the “Add Shortcode” button.

Add a New Shortcode

To create a new shortcode press the Add Shortcode button.

The “Add New Shortcode” page, has the sections below. Let’s review each of them:

1. Display option

In this section, you can select the desired skin and configure it to meet your site settings. The details of each item are available in its specific documentation. The available shortcodes are:

2. Filter Options

By default, a shortcode will show all of the listings that you have created. In this section, you can define some filters for your shortcode to decrease the listings count. The available filter options are:

  • Categories: Display the listings of selected categories.
  • Locations: Display the listings of selected locations.
  • Tags: Display the listings having selected tags.
  • Features: Display the listings having selected features.
  • Labels: Display the listings having selected labels.
  • Attributes: Display the listings that have a particular amount for any of the attributes.
  • Authors: Display the listings of selected authors.
  • Rank: You can filter the listings by their rank. Just insert the minimum and maximum values.

👉 The Attributes filter is included in the Listdom Pro Add-on.

👉 The Rank filter is included in the Listdom Rank Add-on.

Include and Exclude Tabs

All of the filter options except the Attributes and Rank, have two parts. In the “Include” section you can select the items that the associated listing of them should be displayed in the shortcode and in the “Exclude” section you can select the items that their listings should be removed from the shortcode. Note: If you select an item e.g. a category in both Include and Exclude sections, that item will remain in the Exclude selections and removed from the other part. For example, you can just show the listings that are in the “Supermarket” category or the listings that are located in “Florida” and remove the listings that have the tag “Ad” from a particular shortcode. Leave each filter option empty to disable it and display all of the listings.

👉 The Include and Exclude Tabs are added by Listdom Pro Add-on.

The available options in this section are:

Search Form: It’s possible to assign a search or filter form to the listings that are displayed by the shortcode. To do that, First, you need to create a search or filter form. Then you can select the form that you want to show with this shortcode in the “Search Form” dropdown.

  • Show on top
  • Show on bottom
  • Show on left
  • Show on right
  • Show before listings

AJAX Search: The AJAX search lets you load the search results without reloading the page. Read more.

👉 The AJAX Search field is included in the Listdom APS Add-on.

By doing so, the form will be shown with the listings on the selected position. The other way to connect a search and filter form to a shortcode is to create a search and filter form and insert the form shortcode directly on the page where you have put the listings shortcode. In this case, you have to apply some settings to the form shortcode. You can read about this here.

4. Default Sort

According to the theme of the site, each shortcode shows a sort bar or sort dropdown, on top of the listing cards. The Listdomer theme displays the sort options as a dropdown list.

You can define the default sort structure by selecting the appropriate indicator. Also, you can adjust it to be descending or ascending. The available sort options are:

  • List Date
  • Listing Title
  • Last Update
  • Comments (count)
  • Listing ID
  • Author
  • Random
  • Price
  • Most Viewed (Counts the listing visits by site users)
  • Claimed: Display the listings based on the claim status of the listings. Learn more.

👉 The Claimed option is included in the Listdom Claim Add-on.

  • Rank: Display the listings based on their rank scores. Learn more.

👉 The Rank option is included in the Listdom Rank Add-on.

  • Rate: Display the listings based on their review scores.
  • Most Reviewed: Sort the listings based on their review count. Learn more.

👉 The Rate and Most Reviewed options is included in the Listdom Reviews Add-on.

  • Top-Up Date: Display the listings based on the Top-Up dates. Learn more.

👉 The Top-Up option is included in the Listdom Top Up Add-on.

How to create shortcode in Listdom WordPress listing plugin

5. Sort Options

The whole sort bar/dropdown can be disabled by switching the Display Option off. In this section, you can manage each item in the listings sort bar/dropdown too. The default name of each item can be changed. Also, it’s possible to change the order of sort items. you can move each one by clicking on the four-sided arrow ✥ in the top left of each item and dragging it to set it in the desired place. Also, You can disable each item by clicking on the check mark ✔ which is on the top right of them.

There is another option to set the descending or ascending function of each sort item. Since by default, there are two descending or ascending statuses for each sort item on the dropdown, this setting works only for the sort bar and does nothing with the sort dropdown.

👉 The Sort Option window is only available for skins that have a list of listings. For example the Single Map skin does not support this option.

6. Map Controls

In this section, there are several options to manage the map control buttons. you can change the position or disable/enable each item. The available options are:

1. Zoom Control: Displays “+” and “-” buttons for changing the zoom level of the map.

2. Map Type Control: Allows the user to choose a map type.

3. Street View Control: Contains a Pegman icon which can be dragged onto the map to enable Street View.

4. Draw Controls: Contains some tools to draw a shape on the map to filter the listings.

5. GPS Control: Asks users for their locations to show nearby listings. In some browsers, it works only on secured websites with https.

👉 The Draw Controls and GPS Control are only available on the Listdom Pro Add-on.

6. Scale Control: Displays a map scale element at the bottom of the map. This control is disabled by default. The position of this item can not be changed.

7. Fullscreen Control: Offers the option to open the map in fullscreen mode. This control is enabled by default on mobile devices and is disabled by default on desktops. The position of this item can not be changed.

Creating advance shortcode based on view in Listdom WordPress listing plugin
Shortcode attributes in Listdom WordPress listing plugin

👉 The Map Controls window is only available for skins that have maps feature and also the map should be enabled.

7. Publish

It’s the final option you must get to. After finishing all of the configurations of the shortcode, click on the publish button to be able to use the shortcode. Other options in this section are:

  • Save draft: Before publishing the shortcode, you can save it as a draft and get back to it later.
  • Status: choose the status of the shortcode to be Published (available after the shortcode is published.), Draft, and Pending Review.
  • Visibility: Select the visibility condition. Available options are:
    •  Public: The default, viewable to all.
    • Password protected: Clicking this radio button followed by “OK” causes a further text box to appear, into which you can enter a password.
    • Private: This option hides the content from the public completely.
  • Published on / Published immediately: Select the publish date and time.

8. Shortcode: After the shortcode is published, you can paste the shortcode displayed in this section, to any page that you want to show the result.

Adding shortcode id in Listdom WordPress listing plugin

Let’s review how you can use the shortcode on your website. Based on the page builder you use, you can implement the shortcode using the page builder features and widgets.

WordPress Classic Editor

To display the listings using the WordPress Classic Editor, simply insert the appropriate Listdom shortcode directly into the editor. You can paste the shortcode anywhere within the content editor where you want the listings to appear. Ensure the shortcode is placed on a separate line for optimal formatting.

Block Editor

When using the WordPress Block Editor, click on the ‘Add Block’ button and select the ‘Shortcode’ block. Paste your Listdom skin shortcode into this block. Alternatively, you can paste the shortcode directly into the page content area.


Elementor provides a ‘Shortcode Widget’ that allows you to insert the Listdom skin shortcodes onto your site pages. Alternatively, you can paste the shortcode into the ‘Text Editor Widget’.

Divi Page Builder

The most effective method to add a shortcode in the Divi layout is by using the ‘Text’ module. This module functions as an HTML module, and when you switch from the ‘Visual’ tab to the ‘Text’ tab within the ‘Text’ module, you can view the HTML markup.

Another method, albeit more limited, is to use the ‘Code’ module. Simply copy the Listdom shortcode, navigate to your Divi Visual Builder, add a ‘Code’ module, and paste the shortcode there.

Visual Composer

In Visual Composer, click on the ‘+’ icon to add elements. Search for and add the ‘Text Block’. Paste your Listdom skin shortcode into the ‘Text Block’ and press ‘Save’.

Beaver Builder

To use the shortcode in Beaver Builder, drag and drop the ‘Text Editor’ module onto your editor. Then, paste the Listdom shortcode into the text editor.


To incorporate the Shortcode block into your SeedProd pages, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Design > Blocks and drag and drop the Shortcode block into a new or existing section.
  2. Click on the Shortcode block and enter your Listdom shortcode in the Shortcode text area.
  3. In the Advanced tab, you’ll find additional options to add spacing (margin/padding), CSS attributes, and set your Device Visibility option.


The Shortcode element in Oxygen can be used to add shortcodes from other plugins to the builder. To do this, navigate to Add+ → WordPress → Shortcode and add a Shortcode element to your page.

Remember, always preview your changes before publishing to ensure everything looks as expected. Happy building!

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