Custom Fields with ACF Power
ACF is one of the most powerful add-ons to make new custom post types and fields for WordPress. The good news is that Listdom has a good integration with this plugin. Let’s dive in and get to know Listdom ACF Addon.
By installing “ACF Addon” you can create fields with Advanced Custom Fields for Listdom Listings. When you create a Field Group in the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, you just need to add the fields you want and then select “Listing” in the Location section. Finally, a new section will be added to add/edit listing in the front-end and back-end forms that you can configure. when you enter the data it will be shown at the front end of the listing details page.
Listdom provides comprehensive step-by-step documentation that guides you through the process of creating a stunning website similar to the Listdom demo with just a few clicks. By following the documentation and importing dummy data, you can easily create a complete website that meets your needs.
Key Features
Assign ACF Fields, Listing Details, Add Listing Form