Product Overview
Divi is one of the most famous WordPress themes and page builders. Listdom has a good integration with Divi. You can use Listdom Divi Addon to design the listing detail page with Divi page builder options.
When you download and install “Listdom Divi Addon” a new section will be added to the Addons tab of Listdom ⭢ Settings and you can ensure that this addon is installed successfully. Then you can go to the Divi menu in the WordPress backend and you can add a New Template in the Theme Builder menu. Finally, the listings details page will be in the structure that you already designed in the Divi theme builder.
Listdom has great step-by-step documentation explaining everything to have a great website like the Listdom demo with a simple click. To have a complete website you need to follow the documentation and import dummy data.